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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 4/18/11 | Real Results

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 4/18/11
Tonight's WWE RAW opens up from the O2 Arena in London, England as the pyro hits and Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW.

- We go to the ring and out first comes R-Truth. On commentary is Cole, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. Truth says he is very, very happy. He talks about going through various things and now being in line for the WWE Title. He says he isn't perfect but he is the truth. Truth says he's walking out of Extreme Rules as WWE Champion. Truth says he will be the most-fighting champion of all-time. John Morrison's music hits and out he comes. He's happy for Truth but would be happier if it was him getting the shot. Morrison says Truth was lucky and things worked out in his favor. Morrison says Truth was lucky to get through what he did last week considering the shape he's in. Morrison shows us footage from last week of Truth getting a water bottle thrown to him in between gauntlet matches. Morrison is making it out as a big deal. Truth tries to prove he's in good shape. Morrison says he's in good shape for an athlete that smokes. Truth says he's been trying to quit smoking. Truth stops Morrison and says he's just trying to get him to wrestle for Truth's spot in the WWE Title match. All of this leads to Truth vs. Morrison tonight for Truth's spot in the WWE Title match. Out comes a referee.

John Morrison vs. R-Truth

If Truth loses this one, he loses his spot in the WWE Title Match and Morrison is in. The bell rings and they go at it. Truth gets an early 2 count and another roll-up for 2. Truth goes outside and gets a water bottle. Truth takes a sip, mocking Morrison, as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Truth takes Morrison down. They lock up again and go back to face off. Another lock up and Truth with a side headlock. Truth takes Morrison down to the mat with the hold and gets a few 2 counts. Truth with a nice sitdown powerbomb roll-up move and another roll-up. Several pin attempts by Truth already. Truth with another headlock takedown.

More back and forth action with pin attempts by Truth. Morrison counters with a jawbreaker and a dropkick. 2 count by Morrison. Morrison goes for a suplex but Truth counters it into a nice stunner for a 2 count. Morrison ducks the scissors kick and the misses a springboard kick. Morrison drops Truth and hits Starship Pain for the win. Morrison is going to Extreme Rules.

Winner: John Morrison

- After the match, Morrison extends his hand to Truth and offers some friendly words. Truth is pissed off and doesn't want to hear it. Morrison poses for the fans until Truth pulls him off the turnbuckle and to the mat. Truth got suckered and is upset about it. Truth charges Morrison and knocks him out of the ring with a knee to the head. Truth goes to the floor and gets boo'd by the fans. Truth charges Morrison with another running knee, knocking him into the fan barrier. Truth seems to be going back and forth between pissed and sorry here. He grabs Morrison's face and asks him why he did this. Truth hugs Morrison and goes to carry him away from ringside but shoves him on the floor. Truth is smiling now as he grabs a bottle of water. Truth smacks Morrison in the head with it. A "R-Truth sucks" chant breaks out. Truth grabs Morrison's face again and tells him he did this. Truth lays Morrison out on the floor with one of his finishers. Truth grabs a cigarette from a fan and starts running his mouth. Truth lights the cigarette and goes back to Morrison, blowing smoke in his face. Truth flicks the cigarette at Morrison and walks off smiling and talking to himself. We go to commercial.

- Back from commercial and we get replays of R-Truth's heel turn.

Evan Bourne vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring where Evan Bourne is waiting. Out next comes Vickie Guerrero. She introduces the new and improved Dolph Ziggler and out he comes with a new haircut and look. The bell rings and they go at it. Back and forth action until Ziggler dropkicks Bourne out of the air and covers him for a 2 count.

Ziggler puts a knee in Bourne's back and then goes to work on him. Bourne hits a chest stomp and then goes up top for Air Bourne. Ziggler moves and Bourne lands on his feet. Ziggler comes up and hits the Zig Zag for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- Ross and Lawler plug WWE All Stars. Michael Cole says he will be knighted by the Queen of England later tonight and we go back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and we get highlights of Sin Cara in action on RAW and SmackDown next week. JR leads us into a video looking back at Edge's WWE career and his retirement last week.

- It's announced that Alberto Del Rio will have a retirement party for Edge on this week's SmackDown.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion The Miz with Alex Riley. Miz says he's been preparing for a triple threat at Extreme Rules against John Cena and R-Truth. But now, he says, Truth made a dumb decision and now his actions have effected Miz more than anyone else. Miz says he now has to face Cena and John Morrison and it will be inside a steel cage.

Miz says he's not leaving the ring until the RAW General Manager makes things right. Riley brings Miz a chair in the ring and he takes a seat. We go to commercial with Miz sitting in the middle of the ring.

Back from the break and Miz is in the ring talking about conspiracies. He says at Extreme Rules, he will still be WWE Champion at the end of the match. Because he's The Miz, and he's... Sin Cara's music hits and out he comes.

Alex Riley vs. Sin Cara

Sin Cara appears at the top of the stage and runs down for the match. Cara springboards into the ring and the pyro goes off. Miz tells Riley to take care of Cara. Before anything happens, John Cena's music hits and out he comes to stand by Cara. Miz and Riley retreat from the ring.

John Cena and Sin Cara vs. Alex Riley and The Miz

Now we have a tag team match it appears. The e-mail alert goes off from the RAW General Manager. Cole announces that there will now be a tag match. Cena and Riley start the match off. Cena unloads on Riley and hits a big bulldog. Riley goes to the floor and regroups with Miz as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cena and Miz are going at it now. Cena with a suplex. Cena goes for the AA but Miz slides out and drops Cena on his back. Miz takes control now and gets a 2 count on Cena. Riley is tagged in and they double team Cena in the corner. Miz comes back in and works Cena over. Miz kicks Cena in the head and stomps on him in the corner.

Miz runs and clotheslines Cena in the corner. Riley comes in for a 2 count. Cena ducks a clothesline and slams Riley hard. Cena tags in Cara. Cara springboards into the ring and goes at it with Miz. Cara with a handspring back elbow and a head scissors off the ropes onto Miz. Riley comes in but Cara takes him out. Cara takes out Miz and Riley again with the same move. Cara kicks Miz in the jaw and lays him out. Cara goes for a springboard but Riley pulls him down and his face hits the apron. Miz comes out and brings Cara back in the ring. Miz stomps on Cara and works him over with shots to the gut. Miz with a big kick to the head. Miz goes for a slam but Cara turns it into a roll up for 2. Miz comes right back with a boot to the face for 2.

Riley comes in now to continue the offense on Cara. Riley with a 2 count. Riley takes Cara to the corner and tags in Miz again. Miz goes for the big clothesline in the corner but Cara moves out of the way. Riley and Cena are tagged in. Cena unloads with shoulders and the usual. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He goes for the AA and hits it on Riley. Cena drags Riley over and tags in Cara. Cara leaps from the second rope and hits a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winners: Sin Cara and John Cena

- After the match, Cena and Cara pose for the fans and celebrate. Cole hypes his knighting ceremony for later tonight. Lawler hypes a CM Punk vs. Randy Orton WrestleMania Rematch for later tonight as we go to commercial.

- Back from commercial and we get another promo for the former Awesome Kong - now known as Kharma.

Eve Torres vs. Nikki Bella

We go to the ring and Eve Torres is waiting. Out next comes Nikki Bella. WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella takes the mic and says Eve might be drafted next week. The bell rings and Eve goes at it with Nikki. Eve takes control early on and wraps Nikki in a tree of woe. She goes for a baseball slide but Nikki moves. Brie runs over and gets a cheap shot in. 2 count by Nikki.

Nikki with a chinlock on Eve now as Brie cheers her on. Nikki misses a knee drop and Eve comes back. Eve gets the win out of nowhere with a roll-up.

Winner: Eve Torres

- After the match, Michael Cole interrupts Eve's music and says it's time to get to the main portion of the show. Cole says tonight, he will go somewhere no Superstar has gone before. Cole says in a few minutes, he will be knighted as Sir Michael Cole. The crowd boo's as we go to commercial.

- Back from commercial and Michael Cole is in the ring. He brings out Jack Swagger, the man he says will help him defeat Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at Extreme Rules. Out comes Swagger in a suit. He's carrying a royal robe on his arm.

Swagger, puts the cape on Cole's shoulders and then reads from a scroll and says that after tonight, Cole won't be known as Mr. WrestleMania but as Sir Michael Cole. Swagger introduces the Queen of England, which is obviously just an old lady playing the role of the Queen. She comes out to the ring as JR and Lawler look on in disgust. Cole kneels down on one knee on a stool. The "Queen" starts speaking but the crowd is booing her. Swagger gives her a sword and she knights Cole. Cole stands up and plants a big kiss on her lips. Cole asks for the fans to chant "Sir Michael Cole" but they just boo him and chant "sucks" after he says his name. Cole says everyone is his peasant. Cole tells Lawler and Ross to get in the ring to kiss his feet.

Cole takes off his shoe and his foot has some kind of nasty infection going on. Ross and Lawler get up and head for the ring. Swagger attacks Lawler as he enters the ring and takes him to the floor, throwing him over the barrier. Cole tells Lawler to kiss his foot. Swagger comes in and holds Lawler from behind. JR tells Cole to go to hell. Swagger applies the ankle lock on JR now as Cole rubs his dirty foot in JR's face, all while yelling at him. Cole says let that be a lesson to everyone, because he is Sir Michael Cole. Cole and Swagger jog around the ring.

- We get a graphic for Punk vs. Orton tonight as we go to commercial.

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus

Back from commercial and out comes Santino Marella to the ring. WWE United States Champion Sheamus is out to a decent reaction from the crowd. Sheamus speaks on his way to the ring and says last time they were in England, Santino embarrassed him with the tea party. Sheamus says tonight, he is going to embarrass Santino. The bell rings and they lock up. Sheamus hits a big knee to the gut and starts stomping on Santino. Sheamus takes it to the corner and taunts Santino as he stomps.

Sheamus continues to control the match. Sheamus with a huge clothesline. Sheamus applies a submission now as Santino tries to fight out. Josh Matthews has joined Cole on commentary by the way. Sheamus drops elbows on Santino and gets a 2 count. Sheamus goes back to the submission. Santino fights to his feet but Sheamus takes him back to the mat and hits a few forearm shots. Back to the submission.

Santino gets back up and shoves Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus comes back with a big splash. Santino ducks a forearm in the corner and Sheamus goes down. Santino calls for the Cobra but can't stand up. Sheamus its the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- We see clips from the start of RAW where R-Truth lost his spot in the WWE Title Match at Extreme Rules to John Morrison and then Truth's attack on Morrison.

- We see CM Punk and Randy Orton walking backstage for tonight's main event. Back to commercial.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Back from the break and out comes CM Punk for the main event. We see replays from last week where Nexus returned to attack Randy Orton. Punk is by himself tonight for the main event. Out next comes Randy Orton for tonight's WrestleMania Rematch main event.

The bell rings and they go to lock up but there's some stalling. They finally lock up and Punk applies a headlock. They take it to the corner and dueling chants break out from the crowd. Punk shoves Orton. Orton drops him with a right hand and takes it to the corner with European uppercuts. Orton stomps away on Punk now in the corner. Orton with big forearm shots to the chest now. Punk counters and starts fighting back with right hands and knees to Orton. Punk stomps away on Orton in the corner now.

Orton comes back with two big clotheslines and a snap slam. Orton hits the mat and coils. Orton goes for an RKO but Punk escapes it. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk is in control. Knee drop by Punk and a 2 count. Punk with a headlock, then a snap suplex and a 2 count. Punk takes Orton back to the mat with a headlock. Punk continues the offense and gets another 2 count, then goes back to stomping on Orton and putting the boot to his gut. Orton rolls out of the ring but Punk goes to the apron. Punk leaps off the apron with a clothesline and drops Orton on the floor. Punk brings it back in the ring and gets a 2 count.

Punk continues to control the match and applies a head scissors submission to Orton. Orton starts biting Punk's fingers and the hold is broken. Orton starts to come back but Punk hits the big running knee in the corner. Punk goes for the bulldog but Orton counters it with a back drop and a 2 count. Orton goes for the Angle slam but Punk slides out and nails a bulldog. Punk with a close 2 count as Orton kicks out. Punk fires away with kicks at Orton. Orton ducks a clothesline and hits a backbreaker. Orton with the Angle slam now and a 2 count.

Punk rolls to the apron but Orton goes after him. Punk drops Orton's neck over the top rope. Punk springboards into the ring and hits a clothesline for a 2 count on Orton. Punk goes to the top turnbuckle but Orton stops him and fights him off. Orton goes for a superplex and nails it for a 2 count. Punk goes to the apron again but Orton brings him in with the second rope DDT. Punk counters it. They trade counters on the GTS and the RKO but Punk kicks Orton in the head and he goes down. 2 count by Punk. Punk is showing frustration now. Punk goes for the GTS again but Orton slides out. Orton ducks a kick and rolls Punk up for the pin out of nowhere.

Winner: Randy Orton

- After the match, the Nexus music hits and out they come. Mason Ryan, David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty rush the ring and beat Orton down. Otunga is now sporting a mohawk. Ryan tells them to bring Orton over and he lays Orton out with a huge sideslam. Punk finally recovers and starts talking trash to Orton. Otunga goes to pick up Orton but Mason pushes him off. McGillicutty does the same and Ryan pushes him off as well. Mason says Orton is his. Mason readies for a punt kick it looks like. Punk intervenes and stops Ryan. Punk says Orton is his. Ryan tells Punk to back off and gets ready for the kick again. Punk grabs him by the throat to calm him down. Punk tells Ryan to fall back and step to the side. Ryan reluctantly does. Punk readies for an attack now but Orton jumps up and lays Punk down with an RKO. Orton flees the ring in a hurry as Nexus is irate. Orton's music hits and he stumbles up the stage as Punk throws a tantrum in the ring.

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