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Friday, June 3, 2011

WWE Superstars Results

WWE Superstars on
Taped earlier in Portland, Ore and Spokane, Wash

Scott Stanford and Josh Matthews welcomed us to ringside as Santino Marella and Zack Ryder made their entrances.

1. Santino Marella beat Zack Ryder in 5:28.The two started the match trading taunts to get the crowd into the action. Ryder tricked Santino with a test of strength to gain control early. The two continued to work comedy offense against each other. 

Santino hit the Cobra on both of Ryder's legs and Ryder sold it like he was paralyzed from the waist-down. Ryder regained control and went to work on Santino and got a handful of near falls. Eventually, Santino came back with the Cobra after a blown Broski Boot for the pinfall victory. 

After the match, the announcers talked about Savage and sent us to the great tribute video the WWE made in his memory.… [C]

2. Curt Hawkins defeated JTG in 8:48. JTG controlled the match in the early going and bitched more moves than he got right. He targeted Hawkins' left arm. Eventually, Hawkins rammed JTG into a steel post and the show went to break... [C]

Back from the break, Hawkins remained in control of JTG and had him in a rest hold. Hawkins remained in control and worked his offense on JTG, targeting JTG's lower back. Late in the match, Hawkins nailed JTG with a hotshot on the ropes and followed up with the Heat-Seeking Elbow for the win. 

Back from commercial, the Raw Rebound focused on Big Show's boo-boo after getting run over by a car. 

Jack Korpela and Matt Striker checked in at ringside for the main event and Tyson Kidd made his entrance with Armando Estrada, who is now sporting a normal accent, a suit, and a new business man gimmick rather than his Samoan handler character he played when he was Umaga's manager.

Estrada cut a promo putting over Kidd and saying that with him by Kidd's side, Kidd would reach new heights in the WWE… [C]

3. Tyson Kidd (w/Armando Estrada) defeated Trent Barreta in 9:21. Last week Hayes was an "advisor" and now apparently Estrada is a "mentor". Maybe after a few more managers, WWE will actually let their announcers call them such.

The two worked breathtaking chain wrestling in the first few minutes. Barreta controlled the early going only to end up distracted by Estrada, and then sent to the outside by Kidd off of the distraction… [C]

Back from commercial, Tyson worked a series of rest holds on Barreta. Tyson tried to make some evil-looking faces, but only made it look like he had smelled a fart. Tyson had Barreta on the top rope for a back superplex, but Barreta rolled through to counter the move and gained control of the momentum. Barreta began working his offense with a springboard missile dropkick. 

Barreta went for the Gobstopper running knee that Tyson countered into a Sharpshooter that Barreta countered into a small package. After the kick out, Barreta tried for and got the Gobstopper. Tyson came back with a Savage-style elbow from the top. Kidd then locked in the Sharpshooter but Barreta got to the ropes.

Tyson went for a springboard leg drop to the apron and missed. Barreta tried to capitalize but walked right into a Fisherman Neckbreaker. Tyson rolled him over for the 1-2-3.

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