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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spoilers: Impact Wrestling Results For October 13, 2011- latest news TNA

The following results are from Chad Swartz of
1. RVD and AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn. The fight started in the back and continued down to the ring. Some really good spots by AJ. RVD went for rolling thunder but got tripped up by Lynn and took a hard bump on the outside. RVD took a beating but eventually tagged in AJ who cleaned house. Nice high spots in this one too. AJ hit the Styles clash on Lynn to get the pin. Apparently Daniels and AJ are feuding now. Daniels ran from ringside after the match.
Kurt Angle came to the ring and got a lot of heat. He called out Roode. The stage says Bound for Glory, this Sunday. So this is the go-home show for sure. Angle congratulated Roode on beating all members of fortune. Angle said he’s not Kaz, AJ Styles or Storm. He went over his accomplishments. Angle wants to know what Roode is going to do without his buddy by his side. Angle said he wishes Roode well and said if he loses he’ll shake Roode’s hand and step aside.
Roode refused to shake hands with Kurt. He said Angle is the best wrestler in the world, but said he has a bigger heart than Angle and will come out with the championship in the end. Roode said he doesn’t want Immortal or Fortune out at ringside. He said he wants to find out who’s the best. Kurt agreed and left the ring. Kurt stopped at the middle of the ramp and told Roode he’d be facing Gunner and Jeff Jarrett tonight in a handicap match.
2. Matt Morgan defeated Samoa Joe. A back and forth match between these two. Morgan got the win with a rollup/small package and Joe snapped. He started attacking Morgan’s knee. Crimson made the save with a chair as Joe left. Joe said Morgan and Crimson are always saving each other and he was sick of it. He challenged both of them to a triple threat match at Bound for Glory. Morgan and Crimson stared each other down before leaving the ring.
J.B. announced there will be a contact signing tonight between Hogan and Sting…Mexican America came to the ring. Hernandez said there are some wannabe tough guys (Ink Inc.) And if they want a fight he’ll give it to them. Ink Inc. came to the ring. Jesse Neal asked Hernandez if he lived in America. The U.S.A. chants started. Shannon Moore told them to get the hell out and Mexican America attacked them. They had the upper hand but then a woman we’ve never seen before came to help ink Inc. She’s got tats and spikey hair and cleaned house. Ink Inc. challenged Mexican America to a match at Bound for Glory for the titles. The woman was Jesse Neal’s longtime girlfriend Christina Von Eerie who had a recent run with women’s indy group SHIMMER.
3. Brian Kendrick and Jesse Sorenson vs. Austin Aries and Kid Kash. Very nice high spots from Aries and Kash. Kendrick looks like the genie from Aladdin tonight. Aries and Kash got into an argument, and Sorenson tried to capitalize. He and Kash spilled to the outside which allowed Kendrick to hit sliced bread on Aries for the win.
Velvet did her usual entrance, followed by Mickie James, Winter and Angelina Love. Karen Jarrett came to the ring next with Madison and Traci Brooks. Karen got major heat and called velvet a 5 and dime ho. She said she was class and Velvet was trash. Velvet said she was going to be on a level playing field soon enough when she captures the titles. Traci crawled behind Karen, and Velvet forced Karen backwards and caused her to trip and fall over Traci. The fight between the knockouts was on and had to be broken up by security. It looks like it’s a triple threat for the knockouts belt at Bound for Glory.
4. Mr. Anderson defeated Scott Steiner(w/ “special enforcer” Bully Ray) Steiner took it to Anderson early, hitting Anderson with multiple suplexes. Anderson turned the tide with a nice neck breaker. Anderson rolled out and attacked Bully Ray. Abyss ran down and grabbed Steiner’s chain. He went to hit Anderson, but hit Steiner instead. Anderson dumped abyss and rolled up Steiner for the win.
Afterwards, Immortal came to the ring to confront abyss. Bully Ray said something and Abyss snapped. Immortal attacked Abyss and got a table from under the ring. Bully Ray set it up and Mr. Anderson ran back to the ring to help Abyss. Bully ray slammed Anderson through the table.
5. Bobby Roode defeated Jeff Jarrett and Gunner. Jarrett and Gunner wouldn’t let Roode in the ring, so Roode grabbed a chair and slid in the ring. The ref took the chair away and it was two on one the whole match. Roode went on the offensive. Nice diving neckbreaker from the top from Roode. Roode applied the crossface to Gunner and he tapped. Immortal ran to ringside and attacked Roode. James Storm ran down to help but got attacked as well. Immortal celebrated when Jeff Hardy ran to the ring. He attacked immortal and gave Jarrett the twist of fate. He and Roode shook hands and all three men celebrated in the ring.
Hogan came out to a mixed reaction, Sting popped big. Hogan rolled his eyes when he noticed sting wearing a Hogan shirt. Sting signed the contact without saying a word and slid it to Hogan. Hogan looked the contract over and signed it. Hogan stood up, knocked over the table. He said Sting has been dancing around him for 30 years. He said he did what sting and the “TNA originals” couldn’t do. He said Sting has disrespected him for the last time. Both men shook hands. Eric Bischoff came halfway down the ramp and distracted Sting. Hogan hit Sting with a chair and worked him over in the corner. Hogan threw Sting outside and ran his head into the post. Hogan continued to work Sting over with punches. Finally Hogan left Sting laid out and exited the arena to close the show.
Thanks to Chad Swartz of for the above spoilers.

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