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Sunday, September 25, 2011

WWE "Night Of Champions" PPV Results - September 18, 2011

WWE "Night Of Champions" 2011Results by Matt Boone
WWE "Night Of Champions" PPV Opener:
The show opens with a video package focusing on the Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry, Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena and Triple H vs. CM Punk matches, with the theme being "power" and how it effects people. The announcing team of Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Booker T, welcome us to the show.
WWE Tag-Team Titles: Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne vs. R-Truth & The Miz
The Miz and R-Truth come out doing a remix of Truth's rap again. The tag-champs are out. This match is now underway. Kingston and Bourne leap onto Miz and Kingston on the floor early. Kingston with a nearfall on Miz. Truth interferes and allows Miz to score a very close nearfall of his own. Miz hits a DDT on Bourne for a nearfall, but Kingston breaks it up. The ref doesn't see as Miz tags Truth into the match. While Truth and the ref argue, Miz hits a DDT and had the pin, but by the time the ref got down to count, Kingston was able to kick out. Miz pushes the ref in his face and his team is disqualified. After the match, both Miz and Truth attack the ref.
Winners via DQ: Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne
Backstage: Matt Striker With R-Truth & The Miz
Backstage, Matt Striker is with R-Truth and The Miz. The two vent with each other. Striker reminds them that hitting a referee results in being fined, as per C.O.O. Triple H's rules. Miz and Truth claim not to care what HHH thinks, as after tonight he probably won't be the C.O.O. anyway.
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