Ah, how often we forget that celebrities are actually “real” people, much like we are, and how grafitying it can be to see them doing normal things like going to the gym, buying coffee, and wearing hats to try and disguise just how normal they are.
Here’re the 5 Best Celebrities Without Makeup of 2011:
#5 – Sammi Giancola

So, right, I realize that she’s not technically without makeup, but compared to what she *usually* looks like, this is as bare-faced as it gets, guys.
#4 – Miranda Kerr

This one is kind of a given, because if you’re a Victoria’s Secret supermodel, you’re contractually obligated to look like this. OF COURSE she’s going to show up on the “good” side of this list somewhere.
#3 – Khloe Kardashian

Some of you probably think that it’s a joke, or a mistake, that Khloe ended up on this side of the post, but compared to her older drama queen sisters, Khloe-sans-makeup is refreshing enough to make you forget that she doesn’t look all that great in comparison to what she looks like with makeup. So in the paradox world of the Kardashians, that makes her look AMAZING in the real world.
#2 – Kirstie Alley

Here’s another one that might have you scratching at your head, but Kirstie here is included on the ‘Best’ list because she looks her AGE. And she goes out in public not really giving a f-ck about what people think about her face, and that’s probably more attractive than most of the plasticky people we talk about overall.
#1 – Jennifer Love Hewitt

Bitch please. Did you think you were going to escape 2011 without at least one more “I LOVE JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT” post?
Jump in for the worst!
#5 – Anne Hathaway

Lots of you are probably thinking, “What?!” but Anne’s on the bottom of this list because she kind of looks ill without makeup. And who knows, in this photo, maybe she is. But then again, I look ill when I wear no makeup (which is most of the time), so hey. Who am I to judge anyway, right?
#4 – Courtney Stodden

Alright, now, don’t get me wrong – Courtney Stodden looks so much better without makeup than she does with it. However. The reason girlfriend here is on this list is not because she particularly looks bad without makeup, it’s because she looks HER AGE without it. She looks SO YOUNG without it. She looks like a high school freshman when she’s not wearing sixteen layers of it, and that makes her marriage to Doug Hutchison so, so much worse. Keep the makeup on if you want your marriage to last, Courtney – it’s probably the only thing keeping child services away from your creepy husband.
#3 – Vanessa Paradis

I’m sorry, but when you’re the domestic partner of one of the most legendary hot actors of modern Hollywood, it’s probably not OK to look like a homeless lady that’s been exposed to all sorts of outdoor elements (including acid rain). At least according to vapid, superficial biotches that this kind of stuff matters to, anyway.
#2 – Cameron Diaz

Stop the presses! Yeah, I never really understood what a lot of people (like Justin Timberlake) saw in this woman, because she seems to have the personality of sawdust and glue, but after being spotted without makeup, I’m convinced it’s got to be the cooch. She’s got to have a gold-lined, diamond-encrusted, wish-granting gitch sitting somewhere in her pants. That’s a wrap.
#1 – Terri Seymour

So, this woman is a walking, talking PSA for sunscreen. Use it, guys, or you’re going to look like a beat-up old fake leather suitcase that shriveled and puckered in the sun instead of gracefully aging like fine Italian leather. You know, kind of like Donatella Versace.
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