Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Cashbox: Breaking Down The Walls of Jericho's Return

Breaking Down The Walls of Chris Jericho's Return

I used to determine the buzz surrounding a particular wrestling storyline by WrestleZone's traffic and activity. It was pretty damn accurate, too.

Raw ratings often reflected our success, even though there was no direct relation. It's pretty simple: when WWE does something "big" or "unexpected" - more casual fans go online to find out more information. As a result, sites like WZ benefit.
In much the same way, I have now found a new method to determine the up-and-down pulse of wrestling fans. It's called Twitter! I had more people follow me during a 24 hour span between Monday and Tuesday than I would typically receive in two months. That tells me one of two things: one) I'm becoming a lot more interesting or two) there were a lot of active and excited wrestling fans during that particular timeframe. I'm pretty sure I know which one is correct.
Why wouldn't wrestling fans be out in droves this week? Raw was certain to give us hardcore fans something to talk about/debate. They delivered in that regard. The "mystery man" was revealed and just like I said ALL ALONG -- it ended up being Chris Jericho!
Okay, okay -- I'm aware that I was one of the dirtsheet writers that predicted a big swerve by Vince. I was wrong. Happy? I now get to save face by stating that I knew the entire time it would be Y2J. I simply said otherwise to make it more exciting for everyone else. I did YOU a favor. You're welcome.
While I anxiously await your comments below toward that statement, let's move on to the future. Chris Jericho is back as expected by most -- now what? His return certainly didn't lead to a program between him and CM Punk as previously reported. He spent what seemed to be an eternity on television and never said a word.
Disappointing or a stroke of genius? That's what most fans are debating today.
I fall into the group of fans that loved Jericho's return on Monday. It gave us the reveal that was advertised and left us on the hook for the following week. It also did something else. It creatively attacked the inevitable fanfare Y2J was sure to receive (and did) by the live crowd upon his arrival. WWE knew he was going to be cheered, so they found an interesting way to assure he was booed by the end of it.
Jericho could have easily accomplished that verbally -- and in a lot less time -- but where's the fun in that? This was a fresh, innovative, and unexpected way to introduce Chris Jericho again. Chris Jericho, the "heel", by the way.

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