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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday Night RAW Results: September 12, 2011- latest news wwe raw

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
 Airdate: Monday, September 12th, 2011 (USA Network)
 Location: The Scotiabank Place in Ottawa, Ontario
 Results by Colin Rinehart of 411

“Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event…”
Your hosts are Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole in we are in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
We open the show with our World Heavyweight Champion, El Patron, ALLLBEERRRTOOOOO DELLL RIIIIOOOO!! He is in the ring already and has added a new necklace to his attire. Del Rio questions the booing of the crowd then says it’s alright because he can take it. What he cannot take is being disrespect[ed]. Last week Juan Cena hit him and everyone made fun of him. Del Rio says he is the undisputed WWE Champion and no one makes fun of him! He is the man who took out Rey Mysterio and retired Edge! He beat CM Punk at Summerslam and is the man who is going to teach Cena a lesson at NOC so you people best stop with the ridicule. His name is Alberto Del Rio and he is the champion. The greatest of the great!
Just as he says that, we get Bret Hart’s entrance music hitting and out comes the legend himself. JR says, “What an eruption,” but it sounds like he said erection. -snickers- Hart calls Del Rio amigo as the crowd goes wild. Bret wants to give Del Rio some advice. It’s obvious that Del Rio is a man that doesn’t know what it means to be a World Champion (and Cole rightfully says WWE Champion instead). Del Rio brings up Mysterio and Edge again and Bret says give me a freakin break! He calls Del Rio all style and little substance and needs to be a real champion. Essentially, a man that defends his championship and Del Rio is a long way away from that. Del Rio thinks Bret is making fun of him and calls Bret a homeless person due to his greasy hair and 1990′s jacket. He looks just like one of those Illegal Canadians he hires to clean his house. hahaha. Del Rio says he is the best there is, not Bret! He is the WWE Champion and tonight he is going to make an example out of Bret. The scarf is off and we’re gonna ge——
Ah, but instead we get the No. 1 Contender’s music and out comes John Cena. The crowd is mostly anti-Cena although there are some cheers for him. Cena thanks the crowd for the welcome then says he disagrees with Del Rio because all he sees when he looks at Bret is a WWE Hall of Famer and although he has no visual proof, it appears that Del Rio has finally grown some jalepenos because so far, Del Rio has been running. Cena then tells Del Rio to step in his shiny red car and go back to Mexico because he is the WWE Champion for only 6 more days. Cena told us all that he’s going to beat Del RIo on Sunday and now he is telling Del Rio. Del Rio says why wait, let’s do this now. Cena says he’s been trying to fight for a month and if he wants to go, let’s go! Del Rio says if Cena’s got the balls, let’s give these people the match that they want…John Cena vs. Ricardo Rodriguez!!! Cena panders to the crowd as he wants a different match, Alberto Del Rio vs. Bret Hart for the WWE Championship. Bret takes off the jacket and he’s down with the get down.
Before anything can happen, though, we get Johnny Ace at the top of the ramp. He introduces himself and the crowd really boos him. On behalf of Triple H, how bout we get a tag team match instead. Alberto and Ricardo vs. John Cena and Bret Hart. So it was written and so it shall be.
Match 1: John Morrison and Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler (w/Vickie Guerrero)
 Morrison and Dolph to start. Dolph gets the quick upperhand with a shoulder block but Morrison turns it into an arm drag which is telegraphed. Dolph goes for a dropkick but Morrison turns it into a slingshot and a rope assisted enziguri then a pin for 2. Dolph gets out of it then hits a neckbreaker for a pin but only gets a two. Dolph drops an elbow on Morrison and pins again for 2. He yells at Swagger that he is the man giving Morrrison the opportunity to kick him right in the face. We get tags on both sides and Alex hits Swagger with some chest shops then a spinebuster. Dolph is in the ring but not for long as Riley sends Dolph to the outside. Riley hits Swagger with looks like a lazy Rock Bottom and pins for two. Swagger goes for the ankle lock then is whipped to the ropes and hits Dolph off the apron. Riley with his neckbreaker finisher and a pin for Swagger. Dolph notices but neglects to break the pin, opting to watch instead, giving Alex Riley the win!!
 Winners: Alex Riley and John Morrison
 A quick match, almost too quick I think, but it got it’s point across. (**)

In the back, we’ve got the great R-Truth and The Miz with Josh Mathews. He wants to know if The Miz and Truth have any changed feelings for Triple H. They take the mic and start a stroll backstage. Everything is supposed to be ok? That’s laughable. So is Punk considering himself a martyr. Everyone is supposed to be excited about the face-off, right? If Punk really wanted to tell the truth, he’d change his name from CM to BS. Truth grabs the mic and says he kind of feels that Triple H has made a pretty good decision, prompting a “Really” then says Ninja please, hell no! Truth wants HHH to lose this Sunday, too. Let’s show these people the REAL Truth. Is that a new shirt for Miz? It looks pretty sweet with the M in awesome doubling as an upside down WWE logo.
Out on the ramp now and Truth is still talking. HHH is COO and that spells COO. Now, that two times spells Coo-Coo and Cuckoo is exactly what HHH is if he thinks that Miz and he are going to let them off the hook and he’s going to prove at the Night of Champions that they should be in every main event. Miz takes the mic and says that Kofi and Bourne are gonna get got! Truth with the mic, “And that is….AWESOMMMEEE!!!”
Match 2: The Miz (w/R-Truth) vs. Evan Bourne (w/ Kofi Kingston)
 Miz goes for a kick but Kofi catches it. Miz with a few hard lefts (hey, he’s a south paw…never noticed). Miz with a suplex then a cover for 1. Miz with a cravat from behind but Kofi turns his shoulder allowing himself up and hits some gut shots then a face shot. He hits the ropes, monkey flip! Kofi with a shoulder block, they run the ropes a bit too much but Miz holds on. Kofi goes for a move but Kofi arm drags him over the ropes and Miz falls along with him as we get a commercial break

We are back and Miz has a hold from behind on Kofi. Kofi fights out of it with some kicks and a few rights but Miz hits him with a right and a DDT! Miz with a pin…1….2!!! Nope! Miz gets Kofi up and sends him to the corner. He goes for the adjacent corner but Kofi rolls out of it and stomps on Miz’s chest! Miz with a right but Kofi blocks only for Miz to hit a righ.t Kofi hits another kick and dropkick then a missed clothesline. He goes for the SOS but Miz sends him to the corner. Miz goes for a hit but Kofi with a kick to the face. Kofi goes up for a cross body! Nicely done! Pin. 1…2..No! Miz with a big boot to the face though. He goes for another boot as Kofi sits but Kofi moives and cradles it for a pin for two. Miz goes for his neckbreaker but Kofi breaks out of it for another pin for two!
In the corner, Miz hits a neckbreaker from the top rope!! Miz then calls for the Skull Crushing Finale. He locks in the full nelson…bam! He hits it!!! 1…2…3!!!
 Winner: The Miz
 A good enough match. Then again, you’ve seen one match with Kofi and the Miz, you’ve most likely seen them all (**1/2)

In the back, Vickie is with Teddy Long. Long says yes he saw what happened but he’s got a message for Vickie. Dolph is going to defend the US Title in a Fatal Four Way match against Jack Swagger, John Morrison, and Alex Riley. Vicki, of course, says it’s not fair and is about to scream but Kelly Kelly is there, randomly, and says perhaps Vicki should be nicer if she wants to get what she wants. Vickie then calls Kelly a ditzy Barbie doll and hopes Beth beats her ass. She says it shouldn’t be tough, however, considering how easy it would be to beat Kelly Kelly. Teddy Long then makes the match, Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero.
Before the break, we get Cena and Bret talking in the back, but apparently this is Playstation 2′s Smackdown Here Comes the Pain because we cannot hear what they are saying.
McGillicutty and Otunga are in the ring. McG has the mic and says he was born with a personality. Otunga then tells Lawler that he is a Harvard educated lawyer. King tells McG that he did know his father and trust, he is NOT his father. As for Otunga, just what we need…another lawyer. Even though he graduated from Harvard, it’s apparent that he failed his charisma class. King then introduces Sheamus as his tag team partner. Oh joy!
Match 3: Jerry “The King” Lawler and Sheamus vs. David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty
 Lawaler and Otunga to start. Otunga with a hard right, sends Lawler to the corner then tags in McG. McG with a body slam then goes up top and mocks the King by removing a fake strike. He runs right into a right hand by King. The King tags in Sheamus and Sheamus comes in hard. A couple clotheslines and a body slam of his own before he hits those rope assisted hits to the chest of McG which are always so damned brutal looking! Sheamus knocks Otunga off the apron then hops on it and hits a running knee lift to McG. Sheamus is up top and hits a shoulderblock from the top rope! Otunga in the ring and is sent to the ropes then hit with a Brogue Kick. One more for McG! Talk about an ass kicking! Sheamus with the Celtic Cross on McG then goes for a pin and gets the duke!
 Winners: Jerry “The King” Lawler and Sheamus
 Talk about a damned squash! But damned was it convincing and bad ass. What’s with King being in the match all of 1 minute and getting cut open? (**)

In the back, Ricardo is doing some girl push ups and drinking a….aphrodisiac? Silly Mexican.
Match 4: John Cena and Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez
 Ricardo is playing the scared newbie to a T as Del Rio allows him to start against Cena. Ricardo runs towards the red shirt of Cena like a bull…hahaha. Wow. He charges again but Cena dodges him and Ricardo looks frustrated. Cena finally tosses the shirt to the crowd and Ricardo tries to attack Cena from the behind but Cena moved. Cena tosses Ricardo over his head. Ricardo tags in Del Rio and Del Rio doesn’t get in. Cena runs out and chases Del Rio out of the ring and around it but Del Rio sneaks in and Cena follows. Bam, kick to the head from Del Rio! Del Rio sends Cena to the corner but Cena comes back with a couple clotheslines then a toss to the corner, another clothesline and a dropkick. He goes up for the AA but Del Rio grabs the ropes. Ricardo holds onto Del Rio’s hand and the ref calls it a tag. Cena with a shoulderblock, another, we get the five moves of doom before Cena places Ricardo atop him for the AA. Del Rio is outro as he walks up the ramp. Cena tags in Bret and we’re getting a sharp shooter. Ricardo taps
 Winners: John Cena and Bret Hart
 Very simple, very short and very….Cena-like. (*1/2)

Cena gets the mic and tells Del Rio that this Sunday his destiny changes and at the end of NOC, the champ is here. Del Rio mocks him at the top of the ramp and, good Lord I hope Del Rio wins Sunday.
There is a small video package about Sept. 11 and rather than focusing on the lives lost or the event at hand, they show the fact that they were the FIRST public assembly to address the issue. Maybe it’s just me, but I expected something different. Oh, and it’s narrated by John Cena…you know, The Marine.
Match 5: Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero
 Vickie comes out with Dolph tailing shortly behind her. She doesn’t have the music, but she is in wrestling attire. Vickie tells Kelly to wait as she does a few stretches and a few jumping jacks. She starts with a push to Kelly but Kelly gets a Lou Thesz and some over exaggerated hits. She licks the hand and smacks Vickie in the ass then sets up the Stink Face. She hits it as Swagger comes down the ramp. Swagger is asking Dolph if he’s ready then decks Dolph in the face! Vickie screams at both guys as Kelly gets a rollup for the 1…2..3!
 Winner: Kelly Kelly
 Well that was a waste of time. (1/2*)

After the match, Beth Phoenix runs down but Kelly stops her with a kick then leaves the ring. Hmmmm.
They show a graphic showing Orton vs Rhodes. If it’s anything like their Smackdown encounter, I’m down.
After a break, we get a video promo for Triple H in case we’ve forgotten that he is a wrestler and not a man in a suit.
Mathews is in the back with Mizzark Henrizzy! Henry says don’t say a Got Damn word and just listen. People wonder why he annihilated the Big Show, why he decimated Kane, why he ran Sheamus through a barricade at Summerslam. He’s going to tell us. 15 years of looking over Mark Henry. 15 years of no respect. 15 years of not being the No. 1 Contender and not being the World Heavyweight Champion. The reason for all of that is to get him to this point and this Sunday, he promises that Orton is going to enter HIS Hall of Pain!
Match 5: Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes
 We start with a lockup, of course. Orton quickly turns it into a side headlock. Toss to the ropes, Orton hits a back elbow and locks in another side headlock. Cody sends Orton to the corner then hits a right and some kicks and another right. The ref breaks it up. Orton sends Cody to the ropes and flips him over his head. Not even 2 minutes in and Henry shows up at the top of the ramp. Orton is all like hells nah and grabs a chair from under the ring and runs up the ramp. Henry runs away as Cody comes out the ring and tries to attack Orton. Orton is quick though and hits a blow to the face and an uppercut. Some offense towards the ring, Orton tosses him in and covers for 2. Orton sends Cody to the corner and stomps him a bit. Also of note, Orton left the chair on the ramp. Some more stomps onto Cody as Orton watches the top of the ramp. He climbs to the second rope and gets the socks onto Cody as the crowd counts along. Orton with a whip but cody reverses it only to be hit by a clothesline. This has been all Orton thus far. Orton kicks Cody in the chest then stomps on his fingers. Henry is back with a chair of his own. He sits atop the ramp, staring at Orton. Orton gets out of the ring and walks up to Henry. Henry stands as Cody follows Orton out. Cody uses the apron to hit an Enziguri and rolls in the ring as the ref starts the count and we get a break. Mt. Dew time!!!

We are back and Cody sends Orton to the corner then hits an arm DDT and a cover for 2. Cody with some stomps onto Orton’s arm then drives his knee into it and kicks just under the arm. It appears Cody has found his target. Cody then stomps Orton on the chest and locks in a key lock. Orton tries fighting out of it and does but Rhodes twerks the arm. He hits the ropes but Orton just lifts him and tosses him! Henry is making his way down the ramp and Orton notices. Henry simply wants a closer look, that’s all. Orton with a couple of clothesline then a powerslam.He goes for the DDT from the outside but Rhodes hits him and is about to hit the Cross Rhodes. Orton counters and sets up the DDT and hits it this time. The voices are talkin as he gets ready for the RKO< but Henry is up on the steps near the apron. Rhodes is up and the mask is off!! Whaaaaa!!! He uses the mask as a weapon, clocks Orton in the face then hits the Cross Rhodes. He pins…1…2…3!!! NO WAY!!!
 Winner: Cody Rhodes
 I was all ready to complain about how little the amount of offense Rhodes got and how maybe it was a RAW stigma where the main eventers look better than the blossoming upstarts. Boy was I wrong as Rhodes got the win and I don’t care if it was a cheap one, it fits Rhodes character. As I said, Orton got a lot of offense which brought the match down just a bit but this win was huge for Rhodes. Huge! (***)

After the match, Henry has the chair and hits Orton right on the back. Henry grabs the championship belt and raises it in the air.
The Final Show-Down Between CM Punk and HHH
HHH is suited up and CM Punk is suited down. Punk says that he is fascinated that the entire world is watching and waiting for exactly what these two need to say to each other and he will start. He respects Triple H, especially last week when he fired Nash. But just because he respects him doesn’t mean he likes him and he knows that it doesn’t matter to The H’s because HHH doesn’t like him either. He knows that he hasn’t liked him since day 1 and he’s known that for a long time. He thinks that when Punk first got here, H referred to him as a pompous, under-sized internet darling that couldn’t hang with the likes of the MIghty HHH.
HHH says it’s changed a little bit. haha. Punk says that is the issue and the crowd cheers Punk on. Punk says the fact that HHH’s perception of him as only changed a lil bit is not good enough because it’s synonomous with the fact that WWE hasn’t changed much either and he is just like Vince McMahon. He can’t let all of the fame pass him by and both share the opinions and philosophies that someone who looks like Punk doesn’t belong in the WWE. He brings up the body building body and it being a requirement and based on that, the people that fit that mold are awarded 10 times the opportunity. HHH drops some names, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Rey Mysterio, Bret Hart…some of the biggest stars that don’t fit that mold at all.
Punk says he’s going to deny that this mindset doesn’t exist? H wants to know if Punk is going to use that as an excuse? Punk says no he’s not, but is it true or not. H says if Punk wants to use it as an excuse for his failures then go ahead. The crowd starts a chant again for Punk. H says Punk is worried about HHH’s opinion when it’s the people’s opinion that matters. Punk says, :”Are you listening to them?” hahaha. Triple H says yes, but it’s the first six years where he would bitch about the fact that he wasn’t getting the cheers because he was being held back. H says it’s not about him, it’s about them and Punk won’t have to go and beg and plead to be on a cup at 7-11, 7-11 will call the WWE and demand Punk on the cup.
Punk says if that’s the case, then where the hell are his WWE Ice Cream bars? Personally, I think Punk is losing ground here….lol. Punk then says to spare him the imaginary brass ring speech and is going to take us back to 2006, in Philly, the night before his first PPV appearance in a tag team captained by DX. 18,000 people weren’t chanting HBK, HHH or DX, they were chanting…. and the crowd awesomely fills in the rest. The story doesn’t have a happy ending, however because he grabbed that brass ring and it went nowhere. Punk doesn’t play games, what you see is what you get and he’d much rather be hated for what he is than loved for something that he is not.
HHH calls it might heroic of him and says PPV’s, main events, MITB, multiple world championships…those sound like a lot of opportunities and maybe Punk has to look in the mirror and ask questions like maybe he’s not the best in the world. HHH has a story for us and reminds us of when Cena told him he had almost lost hope in him. HHH says John Cena is a guy that came from nothing and made himself the biggest star in this industry. Some people love him, some hate him but he sells out arenas all over the world and he did that on his own. He did it by winning the crowd over. Punk is always worried about HHH’s opinion when it’s the people he must worry about. Sometimes HHH says that guy looks great and he turns out to be nothing. Other times he says, I don’t think he has anything to offer and that guy turns out to be John Cena. See, Punk, it’s all about winning the people over, that’s all you gotta do.
Punk is questioning HHH’s hearing due to the crowd going crazy over him. H’s says last year they weren’t doing that and stop saying he’s a martyr. Punk then says everything he’s done the last 6 years he got on his own. HHH says yes you did and congrats because you made it but here’s the thing. Whether it’s the warped internet philosphy that doesn’t work or not, here is the fact…this is not about business, this is PERSONAL! Punk made it personal. Triple H tried to keep it business and that’s why this Sunday Punk is going to step in the ring with-not with the business man, not the COO, not the Cerebral Assassin, just a man! A man who Punk insulted and a man who is going to kick his ass.
Punk claims well la-di-da. Punk says he is the best in the world and Punk is going to win the match. His quest for change doesn’t stop until HHH is no longer COO and Sunday Night at NOC, No DQ, it’s going to be so satisfying then says this isn’t Punk talking to HHH but Phil talking to Paul then…the mic cuts off….whoa. HHH says if he wants to say something, say it to him. HHH hands Punk the mic then they cut that shit off. HHH asks for another mic! Whoa! HHH hands the new mic to Punk and says to lay the pipe bomb on him, go ahead! Punk looks at the mic, then grabs it and hits Triple H over the head!!! He then hits a SUCK IT! and walks out of the ring.
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